17 July 2007
Culture for free!
- Chester Beatty Library: The collection of rare art objects and manuscripts from Middle-Eastern and Extreme-Eastern is amazing! The first floor gathers mainly precious books and the second floor is entirely dedicated to religions.
Check http://www.cbl.ie/ for more info!
- National Gallery: This huge museum possesses 54 rooms and 11 000 pieces of art…among which paintings from Yeats, Veronese, Caravage (The arrest of Christ), Rubens (Annonciation), Rembrandt (Young Woman…my favorite!), Goya, Greco…It’s absolutely fantastic!National Gallery, Leinster Lawn, Merrion Square West; 661-51-33
9 July 2007
Four Court Hostel: Great Value!
From the airport ...no need to pay a cab!
29 June 2007
Free stuff!!!
You can either give your unwanted goods instead of throwing them away or pick them up. It's completely free of charge.
If you want to trade an item?
You go to www.dublinwaste.ie you click on Free Trade and you set up a Dublinwaste user account and list your items. You can also include a photograph and give some details. Then you leave your contact details.
If you want to get things for free?
You go to http://www.dublinwaste.ie/ you click on Free Trade and you select a category (furniture, electronics, clothes, CDs, televisions...) and browse the items.
When you see something you like you just contact the person and go to have a look at it.
There's another website like this one: http://www.jumbletown.ie/ but on this one you can have a chat online with the buyer and ask him questions regarding the item.
21 June 2007
Cheap Banking
18 June 2007
Cheap Apartments
As any young person when I came to Ireland, I wanted a nice apartment in the city centre. But I quickly realised that not a single person can afford to rent an apartment in Dublin 1, 2, 3 and 4.
The suburb of Dublin is more reasonable. For example Dublin 8 or Dublin 7 is quite close to the city centre and the rents are affordable.
You can go to these websites to find accommodation:
Another solution is to share an apartment or even a house with other people. In this case a selection is made by the tenants in order to find the person who will suit their way of living and requirements. Just make sure you can get on well together.
If you go to these websites you can post an ad:
15 June 2007
Cheap Restaurants
If you like pizzas:
Steps of Rome is one of my favourite restaurants. It’s an Italian restaurant in Chatham Street (near Grafton Street). It may be small (8 tables) but the food is delicious and very cheap. You can eat pizzas, pasta, Mediterranean starters and home-made desserts. Everything is freshly-made and so good!
You can eat in or take away a pizza or just a slice. The restaurant is run by Italians and there’re always plenty of Italian customers, I guess it’s because the food tastes as if it was made in Italy!
If you’re very hungry:
You can have copious menus for a low price at Pizza Hut. The food is good, maybe a bit greasy. They also have nice menus to share with friends.
If you’re hungry in the night:
You can still grab a slice of pizza in a pub called: Difontaine’s in Crown Alley in Temple Bar. They have freshly-made slices of pizza to take away.